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Ken Cloke's new book for sale:  The Crossroads of Conflict

10/21/06 South Korean Foreign Minister and future United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon willing to mediate North Korean nuclear weapons crisis.

10/19/06 Mediation working in Katrina Insurance Claims Process

10/18/06 Neighborhood dispute over parking space worked out through mediation: "It should have been mediated before we went to city council."

From the Blog World:

thoughts on when (and when NOT) to mediate

biology and behavior: a tale of two sexes

"In Pursuit of Justice: Lawyers and Mediators Negotiating Identity,"
By David B. River, Family Mediation Quarterly, Winter, 2006.
This article describes the conflict between two professions, one old and one new.  It is on p. 4 of the pdf document file.

Holiday parenting planner a handy tool for divorce and parenting mediators.

Gender and Power Imbalance in Mediation

Do mediated settlements have to follow the law?  Answer: No

"Up until the last few decades, lawyers were the sole, rightful and legitimate owners of dispute resolution processes in civil society."

11/27/06 Community Mediation in Fiji

  11/14/06 Mediation helps prevent homelessness by helping families address root causes of conflict.

5/28/06 President of Iran calls for mediation of disputes between disputing states?