"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." ~Anais Nin






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Peer Mediation

With Peer Mediation training, students are taught how to apply their acquired Conflict Resolution  skills and language in a process that helps their peers.

The Mediation process is a helpful way of resolving problems in a civilized and mature manner. Mediators are trained to serve as neutral third parties who guide the mediation process, which clarifies the concerns of each participant.

Trained Peer Mediators can help their fellow students by mediating conflicts in their schools.

The training and skills that students gain through these processes not only allow them to help fellow students, but will also help them in their everyday relationships with friends and family.

:: Peer Mediation builds students’ conflict resolution skills through real-life practice.

:: Peer Mediation provides students with skills to effectively communicate and co-exist with people with whom they disagree.

:: Peer Mediation motivates students to talk things out rather than fight.

:: Peer Mediation increases self-esteem.

:: Peer Mediation effectively resolves student conflicts.

:: Peer Mediation empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and allows teachers to focus more on teaching and less on discipline.

:: Peer Mediation improves the overall school climate and enhance the learning environment.



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community mediation center :: 912 South Gay Street :: Suite L300 ::  Knoxville, TN  37902 :: P865.594.1879 :: F865.594.1890 :: info@2mediate.org